Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Quarter One, Nearly Complete.

This year, has already had its toll on my stress level. From the work load to the busy schedule of sports, seminary, work, babysitting, and trying to have a social life I can honestly say I haven't gone a few days without some tears. I always always feel better after I cry though. Cliche, in the fact that I'm stressed about the things that make me cry, but it feels good to let it out.

As far as October has gone. It has been busy, but a very fun month:
  • First, October 7th, My 17th Birthday
    • I went out to dinner with my best friend Gabby to Hooters as her treat.
    • My family's treat was the Melting Pot, Gabby came to that as well 
  • The weekend after my birthday, I went to visit one of my dear friends Bree at Penn State Main. I've missed her so much, and the drive there is absolutely gorgeous. Definitely a consideration to apply, they're building a new science program :D
    • We got to catch up of course, I can say that I'm quite excited to escape to college.
  • Then the weekend after that was Homecoming! Such a blast, and everyone looked beautiful. I was riding solo this year, but all the same fun times and new memories. 
  • Volleyball is coming to an end, which is good and bad. It was fun, but I'm a little burnt from it.

The rest of October will be devoted to working, basketball open gyms, and volunteering to get my senior project done. Woo, More stress, but by the end of the school year, I will hopefully feel it was worth it.

Benjamin will be coming home in 4 months, and I can say that I'm so very excited, but it feels way too surreal. I mean I guess like him leaving, it will take time to get used to him being back for good. He's the cutest (: <3

Well on a bright note, I'm currently reading, and have nearly completed a wonderful book by Sean Covey: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens. Hands down, the best advice a book has ever given me on how to improve life. In all areas. Not just stress and organization but in my relationships, the kind of person I am etc. I think that everyone teenager should read it. There is something in there for everyone to relate to. 

Recently, my mother quite her highly stressful job. I'm happy for her. I truly am. Even if it means sacrifices financially from everyone, happiness is more important than money. And my mother deserves to be happy. Hopefully jobs she applies to will come through of course. But she gets to be a stay at home mother for awhile, and I can enjoy that and I know she will too. I can see the change in her already. I'm proud of you mom.

Future Things to Come:
  • Mini-Thon Planning and such as the Morale/Entertainment Chair
  • Basketball season begins the 19th, with a new coach. Cross your fingers!
  • Holidays are coming up, and so is cold weather (: Yay.
  • February: Benjamin = DONE! 
Looking forward, but living in the present of course. (Sigh) 

I think that I've wrapped it up for this one.


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

As we get into the swing of things...

Well, Junior year is still very stressful I must say.
It's a lot of work. And I'm not sure I'm dealing with the stress all that well.

Most nights I'm not going to bed until midnight or later and trying to wake up at 5 sometimes. And 6:30 if I can.

I used to be an excellent writer, and I could have sworn English was my best subject. But it just isn't at all anymore. Now I'm a science person...major switch. I guess I just don't put my passion into writing and I don't take risks?
New Goal: Take more creative risks.

A.P. Chem is kicking my butt right now with all the labs. I have a few labs I need to finish by September, which seems like a lot. But when it is 8 labs, and you have 1 completely finished, it adds up. I wish I had motivation to get it done!

All my other classes aren't terribly demanding, but everything together adds to stress. Good thing I am pretty organized as far as getting everything accomplished. Even if sleep is lost.

6th Grade camp is coming up. And I'm really nervous. I've never been a camp counselor before and I like the counselor I'm paired up with well enough, but it's still scary. Especially being a new comer during all the stress.  Tonight my partner and I went shopping for things we figured we need. We are the Frog Cabin, and we found a few things we can use. We're making tie-dye shirts and goody-bags for our girls. We also found a frog nightlight (: I am excited for the decorating portion, but not the tearing down.

Well the most recent and probably most depressing part of this blog is my most recent sports injury. I ran into one of my other teammates because of the miss-communication on the court, and between the coach and his players. So now I'm stuck with major whiplash from a 180 degree faceplant. This is awesome, as well as my chin being bruised. ):

It could've been worse, but now I'm out for a few days. Hopefully all will be well for my tournament on Saturday.
Gotta love sports!

Benjamin is still doing very well (: He is ready to come home, but at the same time he needs to stay strong and finish, which I know he will. It's the 4th quarter! Time to suck it up and give it all he's got.

I must say that I'm very thankful for him, my true-blue friends, and my family<3 The Gospel is back in my life as well, and that's probably my biggest blessing right now.

All in all, doing alright. Each day has it's struggles but somehow I make it through time and time again


Saturday, August 28, 2010

Beginning of Junior Year

So I got through my first week of Junior Year.. and it has been really stressful.

1) I have a pretty rigorous schedule, with 8 credits
2) When I'm stressed, the littlest things can set off my emotions
3) Sports are always important but of course take up my time.
4) I have anxiety issues unfortunately.

I just constantly worry that I won't make it through , then I won't make it college blah blah blah. It just sucks. It's like I never feel good enough I guess. Which is ridiculous but it's a work in progress

On a brighter note though, I've been making church part of my life again, and just not in seminary either.  I've been going to Sunday meetings all by myself and I'm getting ready to start seminary too.I even started over on personal progress. I'm really trying to find myself religiously again and I think I will be a much better person because of it. At least I hope so. I hope Heavenly Father can see I'm actually trying.

I'm doing home study this year, and part of it is because I am not a morning person. But the other part is because I feel like I will get more from doing it by myself. I don't want to rely on others to do the work for me, I'd rather just work my way through it. If it really won't work I can always switch back to early morning seminary. But for now I'm getting an extra hour of sleep and doing a half hour of work starting at 6 a.m. everyday. I think that extra hour will make a big difference sleep wise.

Well in other news, Ben and I are still doing very very well. Only 6 more months to go. March 1st, 2011 is when he will be home, that's the goal I believe. I'm so excited to have him come home, I really do miss him and I know he's a much better person and that just makes me so happy. This mission has been worth it, it really has. Even though my life has become more stressful and such because my rock has been gone, I know it has made me a much better person because of it and I can stand on my own two feet. 

I think that's all I need to say for now.
---Sam <3